
Leather and Hide Council of America Launches Real Leather. Stay Different. 2021 International Student Design Competition - @_Real_leather_


Leather and Hide Council of America Launches Real Leather. Stay Different. 2021 International Student Design Competition

Open to students and recent graduates around the world, the first International Design Competition run by Real Leather. Stay Different. launches this week with last entries on 28 April 2021. It challenges ‘fast fashion’ and wants to contribute to a more sustainable fashion world by inspiring and encouraging applicants to submit original and creative designs using long lasting, natural leather. 
Run in partnership with ArtsThread, the digital platform for emerging artists and designers, representing 300,000 students worldwide, and Rollacoaster, the competition invites students to design a single stunning item of apparel, accessory or footwear using 50% or more leather. Designs will be judged by fashion industry experts Pentland Creative Director Katie Greenyer, Fashion Stylist Mike Adler and magazine Art Director Milan Miladinov.

With “Veganuary” having just come to an end, and people wanting to contribute to a more environmentally conscious way of living, the competition continues the conversation about responsible and sustainable fashion. Leather is a by-product of the meat and dairy industries putting hides that otherwise go to landfill to good use. Unfortunately, 120 million hides every year are still thrown away with, typically, synthetic, non-renewable and oil-based materials used in their place.  

The immediate result is more landfill created and more oil used. Much ends up in the environment with synthetics releasing micro-fibres over their lifetime and taking centuries to decay. Choosing real leather makes a powerful statement against ‘fast fashion’ and, of course, one leather item tends to last a lifetime, replacing many cheaper items along the way. 

Real Leather. Stay Different. International Student Design Competition gives entrants the opportunity to work on an interesting project and celebrate the beauty, sustainability, and versatility of leather, whilst recognising the innovation, craftsmanship, and talent of the new generation. It closes on 28 April 2021. The shortlist will be assessed by the expert judging panel. The winner’s design will be professionally made and featured on a front cover of Rollacoaster Magazine AW21 with the winner interviewed for a competition feature, which will also be promoted in its sister magazine, Wonderland. And the winner will be there in person for the London shoot – all expenses paid!

Design students and recent graduates can enter by uploading their design online avoiding the physical limits caused by the current global pandemic.

Design students and recent graduates can enter by uploading their design online avoiding the physical limits caused by the current global pandemic.  
Entries should include all these elements:

1 – Mood Boards & Inspiration - minimum 2 pages 

2 – Sketches, Flats, Technical Specs, and Final Design 

3 – A short two-minute video to introduce you and your design (optional) 

The campaign and competition are run by Real Leather. Stay Different. on behalf of Leather & Hide Council of America [L&HCA]. US Leather accounts for more than 10% of all hides used globally each year. As such, L&HCA recognises its role and responsibility in promoting leather to a broad audience and in working with the industry around the world to ensure best practices and a sustainable future.

For more information on the competition, please visit www.chooserealleather.com/international-competition/, or to enter your ideas please visit www.artsthread.com/competitions/international-student-design-competition-2021

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