
The Different Types of Damages You Can Sue For


The Different Types of Damages You Can Sue For

There are different types of damages you can sue for based on a variety of circumstances. Understanding the differences before you file a claim is vital.

When you file a civil lawsuit, the primary goal is to seek compensation for any losses you suffered as a result of misconduct on the part of the defendant. In order to successfully file and receive payment, however, you must first understand the different types of damages you can sue for. Here are the three types of monetary claims a plaintiff can receive with the resolution of a civil suit. 

Punitive Damages 
The concept of a punitive damage claim is to punish the defendant for egregious behavior. This is one of the most challenging damages to claim and receive compensation for due to a high burden on the plaintiff. The defendant will frequently appeal these damages in appellate court because the compensation rate is higher. An example of a punitive damage claim would be filing a lawsuit against a drunk driver who hit you. 

Compensatory Damages 
Out of the different types of damages you can sue for, compensatory damage is one of the most concrete. This is highly identifiable through a loss of income, property damage, or misconduct in medical administration. A plaintiff must prove in a civil court that the loss occurred, but generally, an attorney can receive a substantial reward by presenting documents obtained via litigation. 

General Damages 
A general damage claim works in tandem with compensatory damage, the core difference being that general damage is less tangible. Examples of general damage range from mental anguish, pain, and suffering to consortium. In some cases, if the plaintiff can showcase a future loss in earnings or medical bills, they may be awarded compensation. A few things to take into consideration include monetary potential, your occupation and age, and the severity of your injuries. With a basic understanding of the varying levels of damages, you can adequately make your claim and receive the necessary compensation. Should you need assistance, it’s essential to hire the right lawyer to help you fight your battle.

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